keskiviikko 4. helmikuuta 2009

Kwasniewskin Optimal Diet
Tätä ruokavaliota olen noudattanut lokakuusta 2008.

Jan Kwasniewski on puolalainen entinen sotilaslääkäri ja on Arkadia-klinikallaan hoitanut potilaita ruokavaliollaan kuusikymmentäluvulta lähtien...
Mm insuliinin käyttö on vähentynyt siinä osassa Puolaa 67%.
Dieetin ensisijainen tarkoitus on korjata elimistön vaurioita ja edistää kaikkinaista terveyttä.
Apua ovat saaneet diabeetikot, reumaatikot, ihosairaat, liikalihavat, sv-sairaat, syöpäsairaat, epileptikot, MS-tautiset.. etc.

Kirjastaan olen kääntänyt joitain pätkiä karppisivuille...tähän nyt alkuun kopio sieltä

Optimal Diet- on ruokavalio, jonka tulisi kestää koko elämän. (KW:n kirjasta Optimal Nutrition)Sitä voi ja pitäisi noudattaa jokaisen, terveen tai sairaan.
Meidän tulisi aina syödä siten, että saisimme parhaimman hyödyn ruuasta, kehon rakennusaineiksi ja energiaksi. Sellainen on Optimal Diet. Joten aina, kun puhumme "optimaalisesta dietistä" meidän tulisi ajatella sitä parhaana, "optimaalisena" ravitsemustapana, jolla kehoamme ravitsemme, että se toimisi tehokkaimmin.

Optimal Diet on runsas eläinrasvainen dieetti...Makrojen (proteiini, rasva ja hiilihydraatti) suhteet tulisi teoriassa olla noin 1:2.5-3.5:0.5.....Jos käyttää hyviä proteiineja, keltuaista, munuaista, maksaa, proteiinin määrä voi olla vielä pienempi...Yleensä n. 50g proteiinia päivittäin riittää OD:llä.

Peruslaskutapa itselle on suunnilleen seuraava
Pituudesta yli metrin +-10% proteiinia, joka laskukaavassa on perusta eli 1.
Niinpä 160 senttisen prt-määrä olisi 60+-6g ...54-66g ja rasva tällöin 2.5-3.5 kertaa eli 135-231g ja hiilihydaatit puolet proteiinimäärästä...
Calculus Victus on OD:n laskuri

Jan Kwasniewski was born in 1937 in Poland. He obtained his medical practitioner qualifications from the Military Medical Academy and subsequently specialised in Physical Medicine. For many years he worked in the Military Sanatorium in Ciechocinek as a dietician, where he developed and implemented the diet now famous in Poland, and becoming known all over the world. This model of nutrition, which not only markedly improves quality of life but also corrects many nutritionally-acquired ailments.

This nutritional approach is known as the "Optimal Diet" which is the cornerstone to the nutritional theory. The principles of Optimal Nutrition are rather shocking to the majority of people, because this dietary approach consists of eating large quantities of fats along with a radical cut in carbohydrates.

The basic premise is that an appropriate proportion should be kept between the three principal nutrients in food: protein, fat and carbohydrates. Over the years, with the help of the Optimal Diet and a supplementary treatment, Kwasniewski has helped thousands of people suffering from various illnesses officially considered by the contemporary medicine as incurable. In a great majority of cases patients were cured. The ailments include: Buerger's disease (thromboangiitis obliterans), arthritis, gastrointestinal disorders, obesity, diabetes and many others.

It is estimated that well over a million people have implemented, and are currently enjoying the benefits of the Optimal Diet all over the world. Most of these people live in Poland, though there are many optimal eaters in the USA, Canada, Australia, South Africa, in Europe (predominantly Germany and Austria), and even in such countries as Oman and the Canary Islands.

The most spectacular effect of the Optimal Nutrition can be observed in diabetics (both type I and II). No diabetic who opted for a method commonly applied in modern medicine can expect a cure of this disease, but 80% of those who have chosen the Optimal Diet will overcome their disease and the remaining 20% are going to be much better off.

Jan Kwasniewski has published six books in Polish language, some of them have already been translated into a number of other languages: Czech - "Optimálni Dieta", German - "Die Optimale Ernährung", and Russian, Hungarian, Ukrainian, and most recently to English - "Optimal Nutrition" and "Homo Optimus". The latter, an English version of “Dieta Optymalna”, has been translated by the co-editor of these pages. A number of daily newspapers in Poland, such as "Dziennik Zachodni" from Katowice, have regularly published articles by Jan Kwasniewski, including reader's letters and answers by Kwasniewski to their health problems. In 1999, the Polish Cultural Union in Vienna, Austria recommended Jan Kwasniewski for the Nobel Prize in medicine.

Jan Kwasniewski is a truly distinguished human being and an extraordinary medical practitioner, whose contributions to humanity in general, and in the area of human health and nutrition, have not been appropriately recognised by a great majority of his peers and sadly by human kind ......................

Jotenkin tuntuu luotettavammalta pitkän potilastyön tehneen lääkärin päätelmät ruokavaliostaan...jolla on todellisia terveysvaikutuksia...Ja potilaskertomuksia parantumisista...Kuin pelkät tieteelliset kokeet...ainakin maallikon kannalta _________________

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